Meet Our Team

Trishell Marple, C.N.A.
Trishell Marple has been in the Health Care industry as a C.N.A. since 2009, primarily focusing in memory care. She started working for Visiting Angels as a Case Manager in 2016 and was promoted to Assistant Director in 2018. Trishell is a Certified Independent Trainer for the Positive Approach to Care which specializes in knowledge, education, tips, and tricks for those living with Dementia. Trishell obtained a Bachelors in Applied Management from Columbia Basin College in 2018. Trishell is currently providing Positive Approach to Care workshops to her clients and caregivers at Visiting Angels and will soon be offering these workshops to our community partners.
Serving Tri-Cities, Walla Walla and Surrounding Areas
Visiting Angels KENNEWICK, WA
10 N. Washington St. #120Kennewick, WA 99336
Phone: 509-582-7800
Fax: 509-582-7888